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Official party site

Thanks for a nice party
2024-06-30 By: Skuggan
It was really fun to meet all of you and big thanks to Phreedh and the rest of for more

Compo entries
2024-06-29 By: Skuggan
I entered the wrong mail adress before. If your mail bounched please mail your for more

2024-06-28 By: Skuggan
Deadline at 21 on Friday. However, if you have a person representing your group for more

Stream is live
2024-06-28 By: Skuggan
Now the stream is live at

RetroGamingMusic will perform live
2024-06-23 By: Skuggan
Tony Fluke Wirén will perform live on stage on saturday. Check out his for more

2024-06-21 By: Skuggan
The food menu page is now up. And you prefer pizza there is a great pizzeria for more

If you can't make it
2024-06-02 By: Skuggan
If you for some reason can't make it this year you can now change your status for more

Preparations is going on
2024-05-05 By: Skuggan
We continue to prepare for the event and more functionality will be unlocked to for more